Music Scope Headphones: 音のみによる楽曲選択インタフェース

Music Scope Headphones: Audio Only Interface for Selecting Songs



浜中 雅俊 Masatoshi Hamanaka 科学技術振興機構さきがけ研究員 PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency
李 昇姫 Seunghee Lee 筑波大学人間総合科学研究科 University of Tsukuba Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Science


This paper describes a novel audio only interface for selecting music which enables us to select songs without having to click a mouse. Using previous music players with normal headphones, we can hear only one song at a time and we thus have to play pieces individually to select the one we want to hear from numerous new music files, which involves a large number of mouse operations. The main advantage of our headphones is that they detect natural movements, such as the head or hand moving when users are listening to music and they can focus on a particular musical source that they want to hear. By moving their head left or right, listeners can hear the source from a frontal position as the digital compass detects the change in the direction they are facing. By looking up or down, the tilt sensor will detect the change in the face's angle of elevation; they can better hear the source that is allocated to a more distant or closer position. By putting their hand behind their ear, listeners can adjust the focus sensor on the headphones to focus on a particular musical source that they want to hear.


楽曲選択, ヘッドフォン, 電子コンパス, 傾斜センサ, 赤外線距離センサ, 楽曲プリビュー機能, フォーカス機能, 楽曲空間, 音楽用ミキサー, 音源, ディスプレイレス

