
Piano Practice Supporting System utilizing light and vibration



大河原正憲 Masanori Ohkawara 東京理科大学大学院理工学研究科情報科学専攻
武田正之 Masayuki Takeda 東京理科大学大学院理工学研究科情報科学専攻


In this paper, we describe piano practice support for piano beginners and people practicing by oneself. Our goal of our study is to make the effective practice system and skill up their musical performance. Piano beginners want many times to be able to play the piano well. Also, in practice by oneself, they don ’t know how to play music and to use their fingers. Thus, to step up musical skill is very difficult. To solve this problems, we suggest the system, which estimates piano fingering on player ’s hand automatically, is of help to piano beginners and pianists practicing alone with a keyboard equipped lights that can be lit by variable colors and vibration buried under keyboard. On the fingering gotten by the system ’s evaluation, the system lights keyboard ’s ramp by the color decided beforehand. So, the players understand easily where to be played and which to use their finger from the color. And they can also do the various practices, for example, by the tempo of the favor, while confirming sounds one by one, and so on. By using this system, they practice the piano effectively than before.


